On Sunday, May 7th, the Lord impressed this word on my heart and I shared it with our congregation.

For I the Lord am the God of Resurrection. I took the shame of the cross and I resurrected my Son to glory as the Firstborn from the dead. Is anything too hard for Me?, says the Lord. Is anything too hard for Me? What is impossible for man is possible for Me. I take your shame, I take your regret, and only I can make something beautiful, something lovely, something praiseworthy.  I take the vats of tears that you have cried alone in the darkness and I make praise for My glory. You no longer sit alone in shame but you have a two-fold reward, says the Lord. For you have an inheritance that you have not earned.  You have a repayment that has been purchased by the blood of my Son.  I resurrect those dead things to the newness of life.  The years that have seemed wasted are being returned to you in joy, in strength and power and testimony to the goodness of your God, to the faithfulness of Your Lord.  You have not been forgotten.  You have not been forsaken.  These years and these days have never been wasted.  Your life belongs to me.  And I restore and I create and I bring forth life and beauty and wholeness.  You hang on to Me, says the Lord, for the power is in Me, it is not in you.  The battle is Mine, says the Lord, and the victory is Mine and the praise is Mine.   The people are Mine.  You are My children and you will not be defeated.  What can overcome you? What can overcome the children of the Most High God? What foe will be able to stand in your presence as I enfold you, as I enfold you with My Presence? Who will be able to defeat the children of the Most High God? For surely the day is coming – surely this season of regret is passing away and you will have the testimony of strength, the testimony of My grace and glory. Walk now in the peace of knowing that your days are in My hands, says the Lord.

Now you:

Are you in a season that seems like a wasteland? Do you feel dry and discouraged? Are you concerned that you have wasted years that add up to nothing?

Turn your heart to the Lord and receive His word for you today.  Begin to declare a new season of fruitfulness and peace over your heart and mind.  Begin to exalt the Lord OVER your circumstances and see Him move mountains and bring fulfillment to the parts of your heart that are shut down.  Only the Lord can create life out of dead things.  He will do it when we turn our hearts completely to Him and give Him the praise that is due Him. As we praise Him, He comes into the places that we can’t fix and He does what only a Creator can do – He restores and revives us.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to You on my knees and ask You to do in my heart what only You can do.  There are parts of my heart that don’t feel alive anymore.  I have hoped and been disappointed and now death reigns there.  I have seen hardship and it has hardened me.  I have gone through the fire and I feel like my heart is scarred as a result.  So I ask you to revive the love for You that You planted in me as a seed.  I ask that You would resurrect my dead dreams and show me how everything is working for my good as I love You with all my heart.  I want to walk in Your ways.  Please guide me and re-fire me.  I am so grateful that I can run to a Heavenly Father who has seen all of my tears and enfolds me with His Love.  Don’t let me be overcome by the enemy of my soul.  Hold me close and make me strong again in your love.

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